function BaseEval2Obj_web(BaseEval,method_string,outputPath) if(nargin<3) outputPath='./'; end % tresshold for coloring alpha channel in the range of 0-10 mm dist_tresshold=10; cSet=BaseEval.cSet; Qdata=BaseEval.Qdata; alpha=min(BaseEval.Ddata,dist_tresshold)/dist_tresshold; fid=fopen([outputPath method_string '2Stl_' num2str(cSet) ' .obj'],'w+'); for cP=1:size(Qdata,2) if(BaseEval.DataInMask(cP)) C=[1 0 0]*alpha(cP)+[1 1 1]*(1-alpha(cP)); %coloring from red to white in the range of 0-10 mm (0 to dist_tresshold) else C=[0 1 0]*alpha(cP)+[0 0 1]*(1-alpha(cP)); %green to blue for points outside the mask (which are not included in the analysis) end fprintf(fid,'v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n',[Qdata(1,cP) Qdata(2,cP) Qdata(3,cP) C(1) C(2) C(3)]); end fclose(fid); disp('Data2Stl saved as obj') Qstl=BaseEval.Qstl; fid=fopen([outputPath 'Stl2' method_string '_' num2str(cSet) '.obj'],'w+'); alpha=min(BaseEval.Dstl,dist_tresshold)/dist_tresshold; for cP=1:size(Qstl,2) if(BaseEval.StlAbovePlane(cP)) C=[1 0 0]*alpha(cP)+[1 1 1]*(1-alpha(cP)); %coloring from red to white in the range of 0-10 mm (0 to dist_tresshold) else C=[0 1 0]*alpha(cP)+[0 0 1]*(1-alpha(cP)); %green to blue for points below plane (which are not included in the analysis) end fprintf(fid,'v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n',[Qstl(1,cP) Qstl(2,cP) Qstl(3,cP) C(1) C(2) C(3)]); end fclose(fid); disp('Stl2Data saved as obj')